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一般社団法人 日本ジャーナリスト教育センター(JCEJ)は、組織や媒体の枠を超え、 ジャーナリストが「個」として切磋琢磨しあう場づくりを行っています。マスメディアの記者だけでなく、NPOや企業の広報担当者、広告やPRに携わる人々とともに「伝えるスキル」を学びあい、日本のジャーナリストの裾野を広げてレベルを高めることを目指します。
- 誰もが情報発信できるソーシャルメディア時代において、発信し、伝え、表現する人々を「ジャーナリスト」をとらえ、必要とされる技術や倫理について、学びあう「場」を提供する。
- 組織や媒体、立場の違いを越えて、表現や自分自身に正面から向き合い、メディアの可能性も怖さも知り、本気で切磋琢磨できる「場」を提供する。
- 新たな時代のジャーナリスト教育、メディアリテラシー教育のあり方を実践的に考えていく。
About us
JCEJ is dedicated to working on journalist education. We offer training and networking opportunities for journalists across the country. Our staff members and supporters include reporters, professors, engineers and students.
Our mission and vision
We are open not only to professional journalists but also to anyone who wants to learn about journalism-based skills.
We focus on entrepreneur journalism to open up the future of the media, connecting journalism and technology to create innovation.
Our Activities
Journalist Camp
JCEJ hosts Journalist Camp every year as one of our key training programs for journalists and writers. Many people from various organizations as well as freelancers take part every year to learn skills for writing, editing, designing, data journalism and photography.
Journalism Innovation Award
JCEJ launched the Journalism Innovation Award in 2015 to honor great journalism works and innovation in Japan. We also hosted an award focused on data journalism.
Supporting journalism in disaster-hit northeastern Japan
Following the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami that hit northeastern Japan's Tohoku area, JCEJ has been dedicated to support the area through coverage and providing training programs for local writers.
Establishment of a News Outlet : JCEJ established a news outlet in Otsuchi, Iwate Prefecture, which was devastated by the disaster. The town lost its local media following the catastrophe. As part of the project, we published an e-book on our collection of tsunami testimonies and articles about the disaster-hit town, both in English and Japanese.
New Tohoku Project : In 2016, we collaborated with the Reconstruction Agency to offer training programs for local journalists in northeastern Japan as part of the agency's New Tohoku project. The program was aimed at improving journalistic skills, and about a dozen stories on Tohoku written by participants were published on Yahoo! News.
Contact Info
Twitter: @jcejinfo
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JCEJinfo/